Yellow Small Pond Lily (Nutea Lutea Waterlily) is what we found yesterday. The water level was low, so the heron and crane were able to stand way up above the water.  The heron was hiding from us behind the lily pads in the photo if you look close you might see its head.

imagine the expanse of yellow flowers
imagine the expanse of yellow flowers

The crane was the teeny tiny bird in the water.  I did not have my DSLR camera and even if I did I would have needed a telephoto lens to zoom in on it.  Pic-06082015-049

It was beautiful to watch them fly in. Feel free to correct my birds, I know nothing about water birds.

I also don’t know how to imbed you tube videos yet, but since I didn’t film it, posting thelink will have to do


4 thoughts on “Nutea Lutea Waterlily

Any thoughts on the above post are appreciated! Otherwise, I think I must be living under a rock.