I woke up like this

My pain woke me In my dream I met Robert at a hotel where he proceeded to heave all over the bathroom there were toilets on both sides of the room but the one on the far wall just overflowed when I flushed it I argued that his little son David needed to have a…

Here I am: retroflexed, missing the boat and invasive

Reinventing myself yet again I don't feel the numb static from last year while I watch my hands shake uncontrollably That dull ache of void screaming for attention Hysterical while sad or Sobbing with anxiety Shifting medications tweaking my body chemistry with a man doctor who barely spends five minutes with me each month. A…


It is funny the lives we live the friends we cling to and the aspirations we have lost and found along the way I have a love of characters When I get bored (have insomnia) I read books by self published authors A good author creates a story that takes me out of my pain,…

This tenuous balance

This tenuous balance Is like walking on a balance beam while once loved ones scream all your vulnerabilities and faults into the audience And the crowd laughs mouths wide open pointing fingers slapping their gut guffaws I feel myself get smaller as I want to be invisible or just light enough that I no longer…

Test posting from my phone

It seems to work if I post from gmail not notes Why? I don't know Yes, I can post from notes but the title is the only thing that I can see pointless? No, try again if I send a post from Notes to gmail then to wordpress I'll see what happens. The image doesn't…


I’ve Been trying to get up since 7. The little girl abandoned me for cartoons and I was left Finally alone, tears poured down my face. I thought about calling someone texting someone to tell them I feel wasted, used up and discarded like an old tissue. No one wants to receive that call: “Hi.…

Post by email WordPress Test

I found this from a long time ago On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 7:30 AM Supporting the universe one phone call at a time, Nibor talks to her ailing friend, Htebazile. Htebazile is in tears, again. She is struggling through her perpetual mid life crisis. "To boldly save us from the wolves," Nibor intones…


This morning I hopped out of bed, not so bright eyed or bushy tailed Pleased though, Girlie finally settled to sleep on the beanbag next to the bed Sleeping with a five year old the size of a six year old who must hold onto a body part my body part to feel safe and…

Spliced Holidays

For the fourth year in a row I have had to explain how the holiday parenting schedule works with my Ex Funny his attorney wrote it (Why doesn't he call her?) Each year I get that call "It's not fair... two holidays in a row... I have to cook a large dinner..." It's all about…