“It’s hard to breathe there under that weight, in the stillness, in the dark” says Platosgroove.

The tumultuous container

Dive in to the powdery pieces of perfection
the worms have played there with beetles
and grubs and red legged spiders
not to forget the little ants who created
villages of great economy under the ground

The stillness is a fallacy of thought
by those from above. There is hustle
and bustle among the creatures within
the earth making black gold from
rotten husks and putrid peels mixed with
nitrogen rich grasses, leaves and clippings
of things you giants have cast off.

The dark place has molecules and microorganisms
lubricating the tumultuous raspy surfaces of debris
that are secreted while ingested and reconstituted
into beneficial compost waste through a process
of absorption and excretion contained by the solid
clay walls of the endless pit.

14 thoughts on “The tumultuous container: Response to one line of http://www.platosgroove.com/?p=1487

  1. I posted it on my site. Wonderful work! I still can’t figure out the reblog thing. I can reblog to our private site and the commons where I was doing the writing class but the option of Plato’s Groove is not shown. So I have to cut a paste everything.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the reblog! It pinged my site so it worked, but didn’t ping yours when I posted it originally. How do I get to the private site, I haven’t found the link thingie? I couldn’t have written this without your piece first.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That was totally awesome! Such a counterpoint to what PG was writing about. Apparently all that sticking one’s hands in the earth makes one a poet, if you two are any examples.
    {{{little flower}}}

    Liked by 2 people

Any thoughts on the above post are appreciated! Otherwise, I think I must be living under a rock.