21 thoughts on “Weather

      1. That’s the fun of these comments, everything becomes a non-sequitur. No, it is not greedy to wish for a 3/4 full cup. You’re probably owed 7/8th per half for the past 35 years.:) Of course, if I had a magic wand I could grant that wish.

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      2. Oh,for a magic wand…
        BTW – if you had that wand, I hope you’d fill my cup with freshly ground coffee – NOT water or even wine. Can’t stand the stuff. :)see – I’mnot greedy – I could have asked for the nector of the Gods…

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      3. And if I find a magic wand I will happily wave it in your direction, and take away ALL of the bad stuff -although I may leave just a few munching bugs in your garden; we all need the odd challenge…

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      4. I learned where these nasty things came from too. I didn’t remember them growing up and assumed they were from a different part of the country. I’m happy to have the internet. It keeps me from being completely ignorant. 🙂

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Any thoughts on the above post are appreciated! Otherwise, I think I must be living under a rock.