It is Fitting

I blinked, the clock told me I was ten minutes early I did a double take just to make sure Usually, the clocks are wrong or, I am ten minutes late I had just enough time to pay a bill over the phone I had been procrastinating about this call for ever No time like…

Scoliosis Decreasing

Arms extended gripping posts I bend at the waist Snap goes the spine my hips relax as I elongate my vertebrae. Breathing in rotate the rib cage counter clockwise hold it and breathe out Anchor my right gluteus maximus by planting my heel on the floor (try a half kegel, really) and pivot my left…

Once Again

Well, today was the second big day of the month that included court school, food, lawyers, anxiety and driving. On any other day, I would have driven myself and my children to the courthouse. I learned my lesson on the last trip. I am frail. There, I said it. I collapsed on the stairs last…

Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes

Tingling toes legs knees and thighs The occasional pulse of pain radiating down my left leg ending at my kneecap. OWW My back frozen in place is the source of today's misery. Wiggling my toes and moving my feet are the first steps of waking up my back. Left leg rotation drag my left foot…


Sure, I'm still working on the civility of being an overwhelmed mother of four who can barely carve time out of the day to write my blog. Sigh, I remember this stage. The squirrelly, I never leave the house just for me unless I have a doctor's appointment, feeling. Time for Girlie to go to…

Sensory Children

  (I wrote this a month ago - July 4, 2016) I think when I was little, I noticed kids who chewed things. Paper, fingernails, hair, pencils, pens, rulers and bubble gum. I was a popper. No silly, not pills, bubble gum popping. It used to drive my mom crazy. I didn't have the craving…

Trying to be nice

This week is a doozy Physical therapy for my stabbing back pain A doctor willing to try to straighten my scoliosis by strengthening my uncooperative muscles okay, we'll see Meeting with the local juvenile court to establish my family team case management They came to the house yesterday to meet the kids There was no,…

Consider the Alternative

  (I wrote this a month ago -  July 2, 2016) I get her up and change her so her skin can breathe I can't imagine wearing what is essentially a maxi pad all day and night. Consider the alternatives... (A mother's nightmare of a diaper-less baby fills my inner thoughts. No, make it stop!…